Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012

Fr. 11.05.2012 // SILVERHAWK (Kingston, JA) & MORTAL KOMBAT

Fr. 11.05.2012

Silverhawk Sound the brainchild of Wycliffe “Steely” Johnson

Prior to his illness in 2008, plans were outlined in detail for the return of Silverhawk and Luciana Maneri CEO of Silverhawk Sound Inc, pursued to preserve the great music and dubplates that Steely & Clevie created and take new innovative ways of bringing the music to another level in Reggae

Next big project Steely had discussed was the return of Silverhawk. It’s purpose is to bring new life to what was originally brought to the Dancehall genre and to make Silverhawk Sound soar to new heights both creatively and professionally.
In the meantime you can check out this interview:

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